We love our stay in…..Toilet …..

It’s a nightmare when you have to spend your day or even sleeping hours in restroom. Diarrhea is a very common in summer. Here are some tips you can use in summer.


There are 5 types of diarrhea in Chinese Medicine. Cold Damp diarrhea, Heat Damp diarrhea, Food diarrhea, Spleen Qi deficiency diarrhea and Kidney-Yang deficiency diarrhea

The Summer diarrhea

Why is that?

It’s all related to the Functions of Spleen.
Spleen converts water and food into the qi (flow of energy) and blood in the body. When the spleen functions well a person would have good appetite, strong digestion, and energy. But when it is weak you would suffer from bloating, reflux, fatigue, diarrhea, poor appetite and malnutrition.

Spleen also removes the dampness in body. When dampness accumulates in the body, it would result in sluggish energy, poor digestive functions which lead to conditions such as edema, diarrhea and other fluid retention issues.

The 2 common types we would come across in summer are:

  1. Cold Damp diarrhea

I understand we wanna eat and drink something cold for cooling down in summer. But cold food and drinks are very bad to our stomach. It weakens the functions of spleen.

If you have watery stools with indigested food, abdominal pain that improves with the application of heat, clear urine, no thirst…you can try this pharmaceutical product in drug stores.


2. Heat Damp diarrhea

Summer heat would also attack stomach when you find diarrhea with very foul mucoid stools, borborygmus, abdominal pains, burning sensation of the anus, scanty dark urine, thirst



Chinese Medicine believes prevention is the key. Diet and acupoint massage would boost a strong gastrointestinal tract

1. Diet for 4 person

Chinese yam (120g), Lotus (45g), dried lily (40g), dried tangerine peel (24g), pork




Zusanli /“Leg-Three-Miles”(足三里穴) – On the front of the leg, one hand width (four fingers) below the kneecap, on the outside, in the depression between the shinbone and the leg muscle.


Tian Shu/“heaven’s pivot” (天枢穴) – 2 inches lateral to both sides of your navel


Your hand is a good measuring tools.

3 inches

Press deeply till it ‘hurts’ i.e. mild pain. Massage each point for 1 minute and do it 2-3 times a day.


Useful tips

  1. NO cool/raw food even in summer as it would weaken the function of Spleen
  2. Work on your daily diet and massage some acupoints which would strengthen the Spleen Qi


If the problem persists, do consult your Chinese Medicine practitioners for acupuncture and herbal medication.

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