Relieving Rhinitis with just 1 Acupoint

More and more office people develop rhinitis because of long working hours in air-con room. Air-con could weaken the Qi (flow of energy) of Lung which would result in nasal congestion, nasal itching, and runny nose, stuffy nose.

Here is 1 acupoint helps relieving nasal congestion, itching, and runny and stuffy nose. It’s quick, easy and gives you very satisfactory result.

Yingxiang ( 迎香) – it means ‘sensing the aroma’ in Chinese

  • Located in the groove on both sides of the nostrils, 0.5cm from the midpoint of the nostrils
  • rub your hands together to warm them
  • massage for 1-2 mins
  • 3 times a day

Yingxiang 迎香

You could also try Tian Jiu Therapy in summer to prevent recurrent of rhinitis. Read more

One comment on “Relieving Rhinitis with just 1 Acupoint

  1. Wow, this is very interesting!
    Rhinitis is quite annoying 😦

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